Tragos Drinking Game Rules And Instructions
Tragos is a popular drinking game that is easy to play and enjoyed by all ages. The game is designed to get players to drink alcohol in a fun and creative way. It is a great game for parties or gatherings, and it can be played by two or more players. Here are the rules and instructions for the Tragos drinking game.
The Setup
Before the game starts, each player will need to have a beverage of their choice. Beer, wine, or other beverages are all acceptable, however, players must be 21 years or older to participate. The player decides how much of their drink they wish to consume during the game. It is important to note that alcohol consumption should always be done responsibly and players should never be pressured to drink more than they are comfortable with.
The Rules
Tragos is a game of chance and luck. Each player takes turns rolling a pair of dice. On each roll, the number of dice will determine the action the player will take. If the player rolls two dice, they must drink the number of sips of their beverage that is equal to the number shown on the dice. If the player rolls three dice, they must take a single sip for each of the dice that are rolled. If the player rolls four dice, they must take a single sip for each of the dice that are rolled, and then take an additional sip for the total of the four dice.
Game Variations
The Tragos drinking game can be modified to make it more challenging or to add more variety. Players can decide to add in an additional rule, such as drinking for a specific number or for a certain combination of dice. For instance, if a player rolls a 6 and a 4, they could decide to drink for any double or for any sum of 10. Players can also decide to add a rule that requires players to take a sip of their beverage for any roll that totals 12 or higher. This variation can add more challenge to the game.
The End of the Game
When the game comes to an end, each player will have consumed a certain amount of their beverage. The player that has consumed the most will be declared the winner. It is important to note that players should not feel pressured to drink more than they are comfortable with. Alcohol consumption should always be done responsibly, and no one should ever be forced to drink.
Tragos is a fun and easy drinking game that can be enjoyed by all ages. The game is simple to learn, and it is a great way to have fun and drink responsibly. The game is great for any type of gathering or party, and it is sure to be a hit with all of your friends! So, gather your friends and get ready for some fun with the Tragos drinking game!
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