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Speed Quarters Drinking Game For The Ultimate Party Night

quarters drinking game ideas Sabina Fisk
Speed Quarters Drinking Game For The Ultimate Party Night

The Ultimate Entertainment at Parties

Speed quarters is a drinking game that is perfect for any party. It is a fast-paced, high-energy game that is sure to get the party started. This game is sure to be a hit at any get-together, whether it be a birthday party, bachelorette party, or just a night out with friends. The game has been around since the late '70s and has been a party favorite since. It is easy to learn, and can be played with as few as four players.

The game is simple: two teams of two players each take turns trying to bounce quarters off of a table into a cup. Each team has three quarters, and the team that sinks all three of their quarters first wins. The team that does not sink their quarters in the allotted time (usually one minute) must drink. The game is fast-paced and electrifying, and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time.

Rules of the Game

The rules of speed quarters are quite simple, and are easy to learn and understand. All you need is a flat surface, such as a table, a cup, and four quarters. To start, each team is given three quarters. The teams then take turns trying to bounce their quarters off of the table and into the cup. If a player is successful, they get a point, and the team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

If a quarter bounces off the table, or lands outside the cup, the team gets no points. If a team does not sink any of their quarters within the allotted time (usually one minute), they must drink. The game can be played with as few as four players, and can be as intense as wanted.

Variations of the Game

The fun thing about speed quarters is that there are so many variations of the game. The game can be adjusted to fit any group or party. It can be played with any number of people, and can be played with any type of drink. The rules can be tweaked to make the game more exciting, and the time limit can be adjusted to fit any party.

For example, some people like to play with two teams of three players each. This variation is great for larger parties, as it allows more people to join in the fun. Other variations include playing with a designated bounce area, or playing with a “call your shot” rule (i.e. players must call out where their quarter will land before they shoot).

Tips for Winning the Game

Speed quarters is a game of skill and concentration, and there are a few tips that can help you become a master of the game. First, make sure that the table is flat, and that the cup is not too close to the edge of the table. This will help ensure that the quarters bounce correctly. Secondly, practice bouncing quarters off the table. The more you practice, the better you will become at the game. Lastly, have fun! Speed quarters is a great way to have a good time with friends, and is sure to be a hit at any party.


Speed quarters is a great drinking game for any party or get-together. It is easy to learn, can be played with as few as four players, and can be adjusted to fit any group. The game is sure to provide hours of entertainment, and is sure to be a hit at any party. So grab some friends, grab some quarters, and get ready for an unforgettable night.

Some Pictures About Speed Quarters Drinking Game For The Ultimate Party Night

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