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Quarters Drinking Game Meme: A Fun Way To Spice Up Your Next Party

quarters drinking game meme Sha Sterling
Quarters Drinking Game Meme: A Fun Way To Spice Up Your Next Party

It's 2023, and the world has changed a lot in the last decade. But one thing that remains the same is the allure of a novel drinking game. The internet has given us a multitude of entertaining and exciting drinking games, but one of the more popular options is the classic quarters drinking game meme.

The quarters drinking game meme is a fun way to spice up a party and keep everyone entertained. The premise is simple. You get a group of friends together, grab a few quarters and a few drinks, and you let the fun begin.

The basic premise of the game is each person takes a quarter and throws it into a cup or glass. The first person to get three quarters into the cup is the winner. The winner gets to choose the next round’s drink, and the loser has to drink it.

A great part of the game is that there are a variety of ways to make it more fun. You can add rules such as the loser has to do a dare or the winner has to pick the next song. You can also add a penalty for missing a throw, like having to take a sip of everyone else’s drink.

Quarters Drinking Game: Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking to make the quarters drinking game meme a bit more challenging, here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to up the ante.

1. Use Different Types of Coins

Instead of just using quarters, you can also use a variety of different coins such as nickels, dimes, and pennies. This will make the game harder as the coins will be different sizes and weights.

2. Spin the Coins

Another way to make the game more challenging is to spin the coins before throwing them. This will make the game more unpredictable and exciting.

3. Use a Target

Instead of throwing the coins into a cup or glass, you can also use a target such as a shot glass or a bottle. This will add a bit of accuracy to the game, as players will have to aim for a specific spot.

4. Change the Rules

Finally, you can also change the rules of the game in order to make it more interesting. For example, you can make it so that the winner has to pick the next song or the loser has to do a dare.

Final Thoughts

The quarters drinking game meme is a great way to get the party started and have some fun. It’s easy to learn and there are a variety of ways you can make it more challenging. The best part is that it’s a great way to break the ice and get everyone talking. So next time you’re having a party or gathering, don’t forget to break out the quarters drinking game meme!

Some Pictures About Quarters Drinking Game Meme: A Fun Way To Spice Up Your Next Party

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