Arkansas Game And Fish Harvest Report 2023
Overview of Seasonal Trends
Arkansas has a long and storied history of hunting and fishing. The state has a diverse landscape, with abundant forests, wetlands, and rural areas, making it a great place to hunt and fish. Every year, hunters and anglers take to the field in search of big game and other wildlife species. Every season, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) publishes the Harvest Report, which summarizes the number of harvested animals each season. In this article, we'll take a look at the 2023 Harvest Report and the seasonal trends it reveals.
The 2023 Harvest Report shows that hunters and anglers took to the field with enthusiasm. The total harvest was over 1.3 million game animals, a significant increase from the 1.2 million game animals harvested in the previous year. Deer, turkey, and small game animals accounted for the majority of the harvest, with deer representing the largest portion of the harvest.
The 2023 harvest was also notable for the large number of trophy animals taken. Hunters and anglers reported taking over 4,500 trophy animals, a significant increase from the 3,700 trophy animals harvested in the previous year. The most notable trophy animals taken were white-tailed deer, elk, and black bear.
Harvest by Wildlife Management Unit
The 2023 Harvest Report also provides an in-depth look at the harvest by Wildlife Management Unit (WMU). Each WMU has its own distinct characteristics and game species, making it an important tool for tracking the success of hunting and fishing in different parts of the state. The report shows that the harvest was highest in the Ouachita Mountains and Ozark Mountains WMUs, with over 500,000 animals harvested in each of these areas.
The report also reveals a few other interesting trends. For example, the harvest in the Coastal Plain WMU was significantly higher than in the other WMUs, with over 600,000 animals taken. This is likely due to the abundance of waterfowl in the area. Additionally, the harvest in the Delta WMU was significantly lower than in other WMUs, likely due to the relatively small amount of public land available for hunting and fishing.
Harvest by Species
The 2023 Harvest Report also provides an in-depth look at the harvest by species. Deer were by far the most popular game animal, with over 700,000 deer harvested during the season. Turkey was the second most popular game animal, with over 200,000 birds taken. Small game animals, such as rabbit, squirrel, and quail, were also popular, with over 100,000 animals harvested.
The report also shows that the harvest of waterfowl and furbearers was lower than in previous years. The harvest of waterfowl was down by over 50%, likely due to a decrease in the number of birds in the state. The harvest of furbearers was also down, likely due to the increased use of traps and other methods of harvesting these animals.
The 2023 Arkansas Game and Fish Harvest Report provides a comprehensive look at the success of hunting and fishing in the state. The report reveals that hunters and anglers had a successful season, with a total harvest of over 1.3 million game animals. The report also reveals a few interesting trends, such as the increased harvest in the Coastal Plain WMU and the decreased harvest of waterfowl and furbearers.
The 2023 Harvest Report is an important tool for understanding the success of hunting and fishing in Arkansas. The report is available on the AGFC's website, and it provides a wealth of information about the state's wildlife resources. For more information, be sure to check out the AGFC's website.
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